A*MEI STAR TOUR ENCORE(2) – 再见阿妹的实力(2)!

…….. continued from A*Mei Star Tour Encore posted on 6 October, 2008 ……..

The video clips on A*Mei Star Tour Encore are finally ready! Thanks to DS who had spent hours organising and editing them in the last two days!

We have used three compact cameras in this concert and this explains the difference in the image and audio qualities of these video clips. Photos included, we have used up a total of more than 7GB of memory cards in this 3-hour concert!

So, now sit back and enjoy these video clips.

Part 1 of 3 : total 9:50 minutes

Part 2 of 3 : total 9:03 minutes

Part 3 of 3 : total 5:52 minutes

And lastly, a full rendition of If I Ain’t Got You by A*Mei. She sang this for the first time in the public.

During the concert, A Mei also sang the Japanese version of a song from the Turandot opera. She performed as Princess Turandot in this musical that was staged in various locations in Japan earlier this year. As a respect to A Mei’s request not to load it onto YouTube, you will not be able to find this piece on any of my video clips.

还喜欢这些录影吗? 是不是很精彩、且富有娱乐性呢? 一句话, 超棒!!!

To be continued….. 再续