A*MEI STAR TOUR ENCORE (3) – 再见阿妹的实力(3)!

.… continued from


It is amazing that DS had actually snapped hundreds of photos within that 3 hours of concert while we immersed ourselves in such a fantastic live singing by A Mei! It was quite a task though, having to go through and select them to upload onto my Picasa Web Album.

A*Mei Star Tour Encore Concert Photo Album


以下是几张比较近距离的画面(更多在相部里!)。与上一回相比,感觉上阿妹当晚的心情特别的漂亮, 特别的high!

It looks like A Mei was having great fun too!

One of the LCD screens on stage, showing the lyrics of the song for A Mei. 阿妹的歌词。

Yet another very memorable concert!


这里也和大家分享一些在我上载到Youtube的录象里的一些留言。Thanks to all who have left their comments on the concert video clips which I have uploaded onto YouTube.

  • “I was there too. The concert can be summarised using the sentence “Great view, great songs, great singer”. A diva 🙂 ”
  • “張惠妹A Mei不愧是台灣之天后阿! 她現場功力已證明給全世界人”
  • “……阿妹证明给全世界人她的现场是招牌” .
  • “That was amazing!”